Tuesday, September 11, 2007

King Rat

"On the books, China's [lead content] paint standards are stricter than those in the United States... But enforcement of the regulations in China is lax.
The article.

This is as indicative as it gets of how a communist economy, and state for that matter, works. They might have discovered the joys and perks of capitalism but have missed the part where laws are there to be enforced...

Capitalism and democracy the way they are known here and in Western Europe are both achieved, if ever, after centuries of jungle style wild competition and throat slashing. When mixed with the type of corruption typical for societes with concentration of wealth and political power in a tiny, tiny minority... well, you have your typical county in transition, such as China, Russia, etc.

"Democracy is the worst from of government , except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."


josh said...

Democracy is fucking awesome and you know it. Stop talking smack, honey.

Kiko San said...

That was Churchill, not me... That cat from Pet Cometary, remember?