Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Shadows, who's afraid of shadows? I, for one, am. Hugely intimidated by the shadows of the past (and also, in the back alley... under my window... something's lurking in there). Memories can be terrifying, sure. Yes, I know they are relative; and, yes, I know they are part of who we, as individuals, are... Why would I be scared if they weren't?

But! I am even more intimidated by the idea that shadows from the past rise too often to haunt the present and the future, binary shadows rising from the digital veil of the discworld. Whoever said the world is getting smaller was damn right. Moreover, time is getting shorter; past is past no more and future never existed anyway. Past and present become one and unfortunately people are not only products of their past... We come with full-blooded public access resumes.

Technology is merely feeding the paranoya. Awesome as it is. The paranoya...

*This piece is an example of witch trial logic, see Monty Pithon and the Holy Grail for more info.

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